Created By: Bonaventura Mario
Ngeni station is one of the stations on A region on St. Yusuf Parish. Ngeni station is the most thriving station on A region, because the people so many, the facility so complete, the management of station is good.
But on the backside of the progress of the station, there are many problems. One of the problems is not being active of the catholic youth. Although the total of catholic youth so many, but the spirit to active in the church activity so little. This problem caused of some reason, they are:
First, the difference in ages that creates a gap between the older generation and the youth one, so they felt ‘sungkan’ to communicate with the others. Second, the people of Ngeni station considered to the leader of Ngeni station, Mr. Marlin as a conservative leader. Possibility, this problem caused of his age was so old and he was leading the Ngeni station so long. On the station, often happened argument contradiction between the catholic youth and Mr. Marlin. The catholic youth wanted to hold some creative and explorative activities. But they are not received a positive support from the leader of station. So, the catholic youth often give in to the leader of station. Third, they are crisis of the pioneer to hold a spiritual activity or the other activities which can collect all of catholic youth.
Beginning from the concern about not active of catholic youth, I as the pastoral official on there, I visited the house of catholic youth by turns. I listened their problems; I support their spirit to motivate them to active again. I have a plan to hold some activities such as ”cangkrukan”, spiritual camp, “rekoleksi” and the other activities which can collect all of catholic youth. I hope these activities can awaken the spirit of catholic youth to active on the organization.
These initiative will I do just for the progress of catholic youth. I hope they can be a buffer and continue the next generation of Ngeni station. Actually, I never attended the activities of catholic youth on my parish. I just active on the misdinar activities. Caused that, I will search much information about the catholic youth’s activities for the sake of my catholic youth. I bought a book, the title was”Formasi Dasar Orang Muda untuk Remaja setingkat SMP” and I borrow Clinton’s book. The title was”Formasi Dasar Orang Muda untuk Remaja setingkat SMA” to prepare my plans. I hope these books can I put into practice.
Actually, my catholic youth have a young spirit, high creativity, and high exploration. I just process it to have a deepen faith and aimed them to be a good catholic youth. Puberty is the time to seek their identity. I hope I can give the right way to help them to seek their identity. I will give my total spirit to serve the catholic youth. I am not want my Church was lost the next generation, because I want to be a good priest, which care to Catholics and especially catholic youth.
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